After I posted the photos of the finished bottlecaps, I've had several requests on how to do them so I thought I'd put together a tutorial on it...
Content & Photos ©2007 Deena Davis,
Things you’ll need:
uncrimped bottlecaps (unused bottle caps)
coffee maker with warming plate or a hotplate
butter knife or tweezers to remover the rubber liner
rubber mallet and a piece of scrap wood
permanent markers (sharpie)
1” circle punch
double sided tape
color printer
white card stock
3-D Crystal Laquer
optional - pin backs, magnets
(Resources for items listed at the end of this tutorial.)
The frst step in bottlecap crafting is to remove the rubber liners from the inside of the bottlecap. There’s many ways to achieve this, but the easiest way that I?have found is to lay them on the warming plate of my coffee maker. Use caution in doing this as they get hot quick!
I usually lay 4 or 5 bottlecaps (with the rubber part facing up) on the warming plate and let them sit for 15 secs. or so.
Carefully remove one cap at a time from the warming plate, THEY ARE HOT so use a potholder or towel. With a butter knife lift the edge of the liner and begin peeling it away from the cap.
Start on an outiside edge and peel towards the center until it comes off. If it doesn’t peel off easily put it back on the warming plate for a few more seconds. If it peels off but seems “gummy” you’ve probably left it on too long, so let it cool a bit and try again.
Once you do a few, you’ll get the hang of it. But do USE CAUTION. I don’t want you to get burned.
Once your liners have been removed the next step is to flatten the caps. This is the fun part! Get your rubber mallet and piece of scrap wood. Place the wood on a hard surface, however, I DO NOT recommend your countertop, table or furniture. It’s probably best to do them on your porch, garage floor or on a workbench.
Place the bottlecap on your scrap wood and center the rubber mallet over the cap and hit it a few times. Use some pressure, but don’t try to “kill it”. LOL The goal is to flatten out the edges so they look like the photo.
Once your caps are flattened to your liking, you can leave them as is, or color the edges with permanent markers. I?use a Sharpie marker and have had good results. Sharpie markers come it lots of neat colors too.
Color the outside, top and inside edges of your cap. Also color a little bit inside of the cap where your image will go, so there isn’t any uncolored part showing when you add your image. It’s not necessary to color the back side of the cap.
Print the images on white cardstock and punch them out with your 1” circle punch. I find it easier to align the image on the back side of the 1” punch doing this takes away the guess work of whether you’ll get a good punch or not.
Once your image is punched add some double sided tape to the back of the image.
Adhere the image to the inside of your bottlecap.
Now, we’ll add the lacquer to the bottlecap...
I use 3-D Crystal Lacquer and have had great results. Read the directions on the bottle before you start.
Make sure your image is centered on the bottlecap and that the bottlecap is free of lint or debris. Begin squeezing the lacquer onto the center of the image and fill up the bottlecap. Add the lacquer slowly and smooth it out in a circular motion until the bottlecap is filled. Pop any bubbles you may have with the tip of the bottle or pin.
When your first add the lacquer, it will appear cloudy, but rest assured, it will dry clear.
The next step is the most crucial in the entire process and I find it the hardest too. LOL - Let it dry for 24 hours! You’ll be tempted to touch it, but don’t.
Once your cap is dry, you can add a magnet to the back, add a pin back or simply add it to your projects.
We have TONS of bottlecap printables on our website, or try punching your own images from family photos, magazines and books. The possibilities are endless.
Download the printable Santa bottlecap images used in this tutorial - (The download link is at the bottom of the page) CLICK HERE - THEY'RE FREE!!
Thanks for visiting!
Deena Davis
Would love to try making some of the bottle cap pins but can't get your download to work. Love the vintage santa!
Hi Twiggoddess.. It looks like this tutorial needs a little updating. You can find the free download on my website. The link is at the bottom of this page.
I made two tonight... will see how they are tomorrow when the dry. :)
Too cute!
I had some bottle tops but where would I buy them? I tried one from a beer bottle but they are a little smaller then the 1" circle.
OmG that was the easiest way I have ever seen to take those pesky liners off of bottlecaps..i've tried EVERYTHING.. it use to take me 30 mins to do 10 it takes 15 secs for 10 caps..thank you thank you!! =)
-The crafty chica
Thank you sooooooo....much! It was driving me crazy trying to get the liners off. You solved the problem.
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